“Little People” by Ed Ahern
Greta, sometimes you can have a dream job but still be living in a nightmare. Continue reading “Little People” by Ed Ahern
Greta, sometimes you can have a dream job but still be living in a nightmare. Continue reading “Little People” by Ed Ahern
When I woke up with my eyes taped shut and wrists bound, I almost screamed. Continue reading “In the Trunk” by Patrick Hurley
This was his duty. His gift. If he could just be brave. Continue reading “For When it’s Time to Go” by Shenoa Carroll-Bradd
Celia, my day nurse, knocked and entered the room I shared with Farty Arty. I never called him that to his face, but the nickname sure as hell fit; the guy was the Mount Vesuvius of bad smells. Continue reading “Farty Arty and the Visitor” by Theo Fenraven
This morning, I saw a man who looked just like my brother driving a car that looked just like mine. Makes you really rethink what they say about parallel universes. Or is that universi? I always mix it up with octopus. It’s not even a special morning either, which is disappointing. If I was to discover a parallel universe where my brother got the Honda … Continue reading “Moving Perpendicular to Time” by Evelyn Benvie